Nicole’s Coach Says “Girls Can’t Do Collision Sports”

I’m a 7th grade girl who wanted to wrestle for my middle school and was encouraged by all my peer BOYS and girls alike plus my teachers. I went to talk to the athletic directer about it and he simply said “we’d rather you don’t”. No answer or anything, it just so happens that not only have girls wrestled before but they’ve played football too. I went to talk to the coach about it and he said “girls can’t do collision sports”. He didn’t know that he was standing right in front of the pictures of past teams and I could see at LEAST 4 girls. What should I do (if I can do anything)? If you have anything that might help please post :)


  • first try telling him what you saw. then if that doesnt work try telling the princible. if all else fails tell your parents or get some publicity

  • A

    I totally agree. If there isn’t a girls equivalent then I think you have every right to try out for the boys team. Find some adults to back you up and stand your ground. :)>-

  • I would confront him directly.

    Ask him very respectfully… “Sir, with all due respect, besides your own sexist belief, is there any meritous reason that I would not be allowed to prove myself on the team?” Show him articles from this website of successful female athletes competing with me. Bring up your observations of others.

    If that fails, go to the principal and involve your parents.

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