Racing is in my blood.


My name is Sam Williams, Im 15 years old and a Female Race car driver!

I started Racing when I was 14, because that was the age restriction for any stock car divisions. I raced in the 4-cylinder division, in an 89 honda prelude my 2010 & 2011 Race season. For NEVER EVER driving a car my entire life. I finished my 2010 race season 3rd in points, with 3 main event wins, 1 trophie dash win, and 17 top 5’s under my belt. So far my 2011 season I have won 1 trophie dash, and have a few fast qualifying sessions.

Not only am I a Race car driver but I’m a 3rd generation female race car driver. My grandma, Sible Reid, was womens track champion, and record holder at San Jose speedway. My Mom, Kathy Williams, raced both dirt & asphault ALSC’s, & not to mention both my mother and grandmother fly airplanes, too. RACING IS IN MY BLOOD.

My Race team, is not a usual one either, its only myself, as the driver, my mom as the car owner/ spotter, & my 13 year old brother as the crew cheif, only the 3 of us go out the the track every weekend, and are competetive & respected at what we do. My father, Greg Williams, was a local legend around where the local tracks are, racing Grand American Modified’s. Unfortunately, He passed away from cancer when I was 8 years old. But he left behind a very determined little girl with the same racing blood running through her veins.

Racing is a lifestyle, and is something I WILL do for the rest of my life. Although, I have NEVER been told I can’t race because I was a girl, my mom has gotten dirty looks, as if she waas putting me in danger for encouraging me to do this, and helping me be a better driver. When in reality, racing is safer then driving your car down the street. And she definitely has experienced favoritism over me because “theres no way she could beat HIM, she must be cheating.”

But all in all I think I am a better person because of racing, and once again, I will be racing till the day I die:)


  • hey sam! i’m 16 and i dragrace! most of my family did race but i’m the only girl so i get a lot of crap from guys! my grandmaw would race but my pawpaw wouldn’t let her… so i guess i got it from her lol but racing is one of the best things in the world and i am happy that you acctualy can race! some place wont let girls race! its soooo not fair but as long as we stand up and show we can whip some ass then we shouldn’t have a problem. i wanna dirt track race but i gotta convince my uncle to let me drive his late model crate… as bad as his drivin his i’m pretty sure i could out drive him! hopefully i’ll be hearin about you becomin a famous racecar driver! good luck chicka :)

  • A

    Congrats to you Sam! And how cool is it to have a mom and a grandma with such a passion for racing and flying. Sounds like you do have racing in your blood and I’m betting we’re going to be hearing your name on the race circuit a lot more in the future.

    Best of luck in your racing career and keep us posted on how it’s going!

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