Sarah’s Doctor Said Girls Don’t Need Surgery

When I was 16 I took a long fall and landed on my head.  Besides a traumatic brain injury, I had separated my shoulder from the clavicle. When my mom took me in to see a surgeon, he told her that I did not need surgery because I was a girl and didn’t play football and that with therapy I would get most of my mobility back.

Unfortunately mom believed him and opted out of it. It’s a decision I deeply regret. I had about 80% mobility and have a 10lb weight restriction.

1 comment

  • A

    Sarah – I’m not a doctor, but I have been through a traumatic injury. When I was 14, I was in a car accident that shattered one of my vertebrae. I was told at one point I would never walk again. I did have surgery and went through a lot of physical therapy and I am able to do almost everything a normal person can do. I also have a weight restriction and have been warned not to do certain activities.

    I say all that just to let you know that just because you’ve been injured and you’ve been told what you can and cannot do, listen to the advice of the professionals, but don’t let that stop you from pursuing things you love. It may be worth checking with a specialist to see if there is a corrective procedure or additional therapy available now that could help you. I know with my back injury that I have to try to stay fit and keep doing therapy-type activities such as swimming or else my muscles wear down and everything starts to hurt. Do some research and look at options you think are impossible. Sometimes they are not that impossible. ;)

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