Sexting is an Open Invitation to Humiliation

Warning. Controversial subject matter ahead.

As an iPhone owner and the mom of a two daughters who desperately want their own cell phones, I am aware of all the things you can do with a mobile device.  This includes taking photographs.  I use my phone’s camera almost daily to record fun family time, note a wish list item or send random funny pictures to my friends.

Lately, some deviants have taken an innocent action and turned it into something atrocious.  In this case, the damage can be done to both the male and female population, but it seems that more girls than boys are falling prey to this new phenomenon called “Sexting”.

In a nutshell, “Sexting” is sending photos of one’s private parts to a significant other for fun or “romance” (although I beg to differ with how that is considered romantic) or as part of a dare.  Regardless of the context, it’s a bad idea to EVER take questionable photos of yourself or anyone else, even as a joke.  Digital media is too easy to copy and forward, and when placed in the wrong hands, can be come the ultimate humiliation tool.

So girls, pardon the lecture, but please don’t do this.  EVER! I don’t care who asks you or if it’s “all in good fun”.  It only takes one slip of the finger to send it to the wrong person or for your phone to get stolen or any number of ways for that “silly photo” to get out beyond your control.  If you have anything “questionable” on your phone right now,  I advise you to delete it immediately.  Go ahead.  I’ll wait.

If you’re a mom or an aunt or a grandma – talk to your kids about sexting and explain to them that no boyfriend, no relationship and no dare is worth the potential embarrassment that those photos can and will bring eventually.  A good rule of thumb to use is this…if you aren’t comfortable with that photo hanging on your locker at school for all your peers to see, then don’t pose for it.

Girls, you are worth so much more than cheap thrill photos.  If anyone asks or pressures you to do this, I would question that relationship.  If you want the cold, hard facts then you should know that sending nude pics over your mobile device is considered pornography and you can be arrested for it.  Is it worth the risk?

By all means, have fun with your phone.  Take pictures of cool things, make silly memories and use photos to remind you of things, but don’t ever compromise yourself or anyone else by taking nude photosYou will regret it.


  • in social studies we were talking about sexting and my friend said it was NO BIG DEAL!! it is a big deal if you send a nude picture it could be sent across america to people you dont even know! and it isnt funny to be “sexting” teasing by sendin a picture of you in a sexually attractive pose.

  • Keisha Hill

    As a former social worker I want to remind folks that possessing or trafficing child porn (which really is nude pics of anyone under 18, no matter what the context is) will get you labeled a sex offender if prosecuted. The 18 yr old boyfriend with pics of his 16 yr old girlfriend can ruin his life forever! (especially if her parents press charges.) These labels are not expunged. They are not removed. They don’t go away. They follow a person forever. Remind your boys that they are not without responsibility here. Many girls are humiliated and that is a terrible thing, but many many boys are finding out the hard way that “fun times” don’t stay fun for long.

  • Amy Hass

    Good advice! Lets not forget that sexting pics of minors is illegal! This includes kids sending pics to other kids!


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