Strong Women Supporting Strong Girls

My name is Lindsay Hyde; I’m the Executive Director of Strong Women, Strong Girls (, a not-for-profit organization that fosters high aspirations among at-risk girls in grades 3-5 and helps them to develop the skills they need to succeed! I wanted to share a note with this blog community because Strong Women, Strong Girls has taken on a challenge and we could really use your help!

Hanes and have offered up a challenge. They are giving a $10,000 matching grants to the six organizations nationwide that have the highest number of individual donations through their “Charity Badges” program. (To learn more about the Charity Badges program visit

We know we can win the challenge–but we need your help! We are working to rally 500 individuals to contribute $10.00 each to help us win!

I know that the folks who read Girls Can’t WHAT know how important the work of Strong Women, Strong Girls is for girls. I want to ask this group to join us in taking on this challenge and helping us to win $10,000 to support the more than 400 girls who benefit from SWSG programming each year.

To help us win, please visit our Charity Badge at:

We only have until September 16th!

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at .

Thank you!

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