Summer Reading Ideas

My family is getting ready to head off for our annual summer vacation.  This means several hours of driving, which translates into good solid stretches of reading time for me!  I’m already planning to dive into Echoes from Auschwitz, but I’m looking for suggestions for what else to take with me.  Typically I prefer self-help, psychology and other works of non-fiction, but I will take recommendations for novels, magazines or even something I can read from my iPhone.  Here are some book titles I am considering:

What do you suggest?


  • A

    I still have that on my iPhone… ;)

  • My recommendation is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Non fiction, worthwhile read, and great for anyone who is an atheist or Christian or of a different religion, simply seeking understanding.

  • abercrombieautumn

    Well, being a teen, I really only read teen books, and those happen to be a lot of fiction. But, some are really good!! I recommend the Uglies series by Scott Westerfield. It’s about a futuristic society where all the pretty people who have had a surgery when they were sixteen become totally stupid, and it’s up to one ‘ugly’ (what could be considered beautiful today) girl named Tally to help save them all from bubble headed doom…it has a cool message in the first book and sort of the second but the third and fourth go a little bit down hill.

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