Susan Repairs Software, Not Her Husband

This is not so much “can’t” although I have a wheen of stories like that from my youth!

My husband and I run a small computer business together.  I handle most of the software side of things and he does the hardware although we can swap roles if required.

We frequently go to customers who assume that because I am female that my husband is the one who will be sorting the computer.  I have seen occasions when I have sat at a computer for over an hour cleaning it up and fine tuning it and at the end of that time the customer has asked my husband directly what HE did to sort it, and when I have replied he has again spoken directly to my husband in response to my reply!  Do they think my hubby can throw his voice!

We even had one customer who did not want me in the house, until it was pointed out to him that if that was the case the computer would not be fixed.

People are strange…

1 comment

  • A

    Susan – I have no idea what a “wheen” is, but I’d love to hear more stories. I can totally relate. People look at me funny when I say I’m a web developer or that I can fix their computer issues. 8-|

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