The Absolute Easiest Way To Track Goals

It’s not a secret that I’m very goal driven.  I can tell you with pretty certain accuracy where I am at with each of my current goals.  If you haven’t seen my series on setting and achieving goals, you can check it out and post your own results.  Recently, I discovered an even simpler way to manage goals that requires only a pen and paper.  It’s a no-brainer system for keeping me on track and motivating me to complete my tasks on time and in some instances I’m way ahead of the game.  Here’s how it works.

Get a pen and paper.  Yup – totally analog.  Hold the geeky jokes please.  I use a junior size notebook with removable pages and a mechanical pencil.  Any sort of ruled paper and writing utensil will work.  Start with your goal.  For an example, I’ll use my fitness goal of push-ups.  By the end of the year, I want to be able to do 100 consecutive pushups without taking a break. Here are my exact steps for moving that goal forward:

  1. At the top of the page, I wrote “100 Consecutive Pushups”.  Next to that I put the date I’m starting the goal.  Added several other fitness goals to the list.  Did nothing else.  Called it a day.
  2. The next day I looked at my fitness list and decided to do as many pushups as possible.  I completed 7 before I collapsed on the floor. How pathetic. l-)
  3. But I made progress, so I marked off my goal at the top of the page and wrote “Pushups 7/100” at the bottom of the list with the current day’s date next to it.  Over the next few days I worked through a few other fitness goals and moved them forward in the same manner.  Three days later I looked at my list see by the date that the pushups goal had been neglected for a while.  I tried again and that time I made it to 10 pushups.  I crossed off the “Push-ups 7/100” and added “Push-ups 10/100” to the bottom of the list which is now on page 2 since I moved several of my other fitness goals forward and filled up the page. I’ve been repeating this for a few weeks now and I’m up to 37/100.  Not bad.  :)

It almost sounds too easy and lame, but it’s really very effective.  Especially when you start filling up multiple pages.  You get really motivated to go back and get rid of the 2 or 3 tasks that are still hanging around on previous pages.  In other words you start moving every single one of your goals forward a little bit at a time.  It’s almost foolproof.  The only way to fail is to not look at your list.  In fact, this system is so simple, I am now using it for my personal and work tasks.  I keep them in separate lists in the same notebook.

I can’t take any credit for this remarkably simple setup.  It’s called “autofocus” and more info can be found at  It is so effective I just had to share it.


  • Nice post.

    also check out, which is a nice web app to help you keep track of goals and manage your todo lists and time etc..very cool

  • samantha

    hey you go girl

  • Hey Gretchen,

    I’m a big fan of pen and paper too, but I realised a while back that what it can’t do is record your variation from day to day. For example, one day you can do 15 pushups and the next 13… Why is that? It’s really hard to tell.

    That’s why we came up with PushupFu for the iPhone – it uses motion tracking to actually record and give your feedback on your reps. Better still, there’s a competition mode that allows you to challenge other people at pushups; great for motivation.

    I’d love for you to check it out – if you want a free copy email me at the comment email address!

    All the best,

    • A

      Hey Jof! I looked up your app in the app store and it looks pretty cool. I will email you privately. Thanks for the post. :)

  • A

    Yeah I liked this so much I ordered a nice little zip portfolio to take with me to client meetings and such. :)

  • Jen Hansel

    I love my notebook! I got so tired of not making the mark, i bought a full size 5 subject notebook and made each section for one priority for the year. I wrote down goals for my walk with God, nutrition and exercise, parenting, etc. I make smaller goals for each week. It is a great feeling when I am able to mark off things on the list!

  • A

    I am with you on the technology. I love my Mac and my iPhone and anything else that uses electricity, but this pen/paper method is so stinking easy. I think what drives me to use it is the breaking down of the task and getting to cross SOMETHING off the list even if I only worked at it for 5 minutes. It gives me a sense of progress.

    I also hate to be told what to do so this allows me to pick what I want to do rather than be chained to a schedule I can’t stick to even if it is self-imposed. :D

  • Great idea!! Much as I love the computer and technology, sometimes pen and paper are much more effective. I will definitely try it.

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