The Phantom of the Opera is here…

Today is my friend and bandmate Kelli’s birthday. I won’t tell you how old she is because I’d like to keep her in my band. I’m too broke to buy a card or a gift, so I thought I’d give her some free publicity.

Kelli is a very talented writer and she has quite a text going on over at Her story is pretty amazing. I started reading it without ever having seen ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and I was hooked after the first chapter. So if you’re looking for something good to read, check out her story “Sacred“. Read it now while it’s free. I think she will be a published author in the near future, which is great – as long as it doesn’t interfere with the band! Hmmm…maybe I need to write up some contracts for all the band members… ;)


  • I love the *star* song from this musical!
    The melody is just amazing!

    So I may take a look here…

    Especially the library seems to have run out of all the good books to read…

  • ajlewis2

    Wow! Great Read! I am totally unfamiliar with The Phantom of the Opera. I’ve read the first two chapters of “Sacred” and I’m going to read more. I’m very much enjoying the story. I love the way it opens and flows. I had the sense of being there in it watching. Really good writing in my opinion!

  • tobacowgirl

    70 some Chapters?????? I love ya, but 70 Chapters is a lil much!!!!!!!…….. :)
    HAHA J/K I will try my best. I figure a chapter a day is not bad. What amazes me, is the whole concept behind it. It’s like the Star Wars Episodes, but backwards!

  • A

    Hey now! Cut me some slack! I read the equivalent of about 4 text books a week. Ask the library! I just prefer non-fiction and techie books. This week I’m plowing through PHP, MySQL and how to hack Gmail. :D
    Your story really is good and I am going to finish it. Darn web site. :p

  • tobacowgirl

    Hey Kel,
    Sorry I must be a lil slow. I know you write songs, but I didn’t know you wrote stories. Whoa baby! I do not know what to say. I read the first chapter, and my jaw just dropped. You are a very talented writer. I already knew that, but writing stories is a whole different ball game. Congrats! I need to talk with you more. I don’t know these things!! :sigh
    Later, Linds

  • Thanks! :D Hey, Linds!!! *hug*
    wow, thanks for the compliment! So…ya gonna read the rest, or what? lol I am enjoying writing it. It will be complete sometime this summer, hopefully.
    But then…even GRETCHEN hasn’t gotten caught up with it yet! :roll She’s been too busy with some…website I think I heard about. :p

  • Wow! Well, thank you very much! :) I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! If you haven’t read anything, I’d recommend first off watching the 2004 movie, The Phantom of the Opera, starring Gerard Butler (shameless plug for my fave actor EVER)! LOL Then Gaston Leroux’s novel, of the same name, is a bit of a strange read, but it’s quality material. A real classic. Those are the two things I’ve based my story upon. Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a review at the story’s website if you like! :)

  • ajlewis2

    No actually…
    …it is more like I am viewing it as the main character. That is how it feels.

  • Oh my goodness! 51 hits to THIS topic? LOL! Okay, so have any of you gone and READ the story? :D 2006-04-10 23:19:11

  • Happy Belated Birthday Kelli.. :D

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