Ticket Scalpers Should Be Shot

My daughters have had their heart set on seeing Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana in concert for several weeks now. Being a responsible parent, I made a note on my calendar and set an alarm so that I could get 4 tickets for our family to see the concert in St. Louis, MO on October 18th. Tickets went on sale at 10:00am this morning. I logged into my computer at 9:41am, pulled up the Ticketmaster web site and clicked on the Hannah Montana banner ad taking me straight to the ticket page where I was greeted with a message that tickets were not yet available for this event.

At precisely 10:00am, I refreshed the page and entered my order for 4 tickets. After a 5-minute wait, I was told none were available in that price range. I reset my options to see all available tickets and after about a 2-minute wait I was again told none were available. I tried several more times, even calling ticketmaster numbers in my area only to get a busy signal. I also tried other venues within a reasonable driving distance, but no dice. It was evident that Hannah Montana was sold out everywhere. So I did what any parent would do when their kids are desperate to see Miley Cyrus, I went to ebay.

What an eye-opener. Not only could I get the tickets, but I could pay 10 TIMES the amount for them. Nosebleed seats were going for $250.00 a piece. A spot on the floor in the second row would cost me $1500.00 for ONE ticket. Unbelievable. Needless to say, at those outrageous prices, my kids will not be seeing Miley on this tour and I am ticked! My family didn’t even have a chance to get the tickets at the NORMAL price before scalpers swept in and bought them all in order to line their pockets. Would any of you scalpers care to spare a dollar so I can use it to wipe up my kids’ tears? x(

Not to mention the tears of thousands of other little girls whose parents can’t afford to pay those prices either. Ticket scalpers should be shot!



  • I Got tickets for pretty good seats and my dad payed $1500 for a seat and he bought 2 and the conceet i went to was the only one that she didnt use the body double…. the concert was great but expensive

  • i really wanted to see her consert im sad about it

  • tra2girls

    Like everyone, I also tried to get tickets the 2 times that Hannah came to my area. SHe played 2 arenas near me 1 in December and then came back in January to play that sme arena and another. I wasn’t able to get tickets to any of the 3 shows even thought I was online when they went on sale and was calling ticketmasters on the phone at the same time. THe found tickets on broker sites for ridiculous prices, nice! So as if I’m not mad enough, tonight was the last of the 3 shows and my uncle calls me an hour after the shows start time, He works parking at the arena she’s performing at, to tell me that there are 500 tickets available for sale because th broker that had the tickets couldn’t sell them so they gave them back to the areana to sell. Plus they have only sold about 11,000 tickets when the arena holds 22,000 (minus 5,500 if you remove the seats behind the stage). So she isn’t selling out. It’s just her promoters pumpingit up to make people crazy for these tickets.
    And guess what else I found out, her promoters are splitting the tickets between the arena, ticketmaster and … you may have guessed … ticket brokers (if you ask me there is no difference between a scalper and a broker).
    I seriously think these concerts need to be boycotted. It’s just not right that they can do this. It’s not the arenas fault , nor ticketmaster, it’s her promoter She really needs to fire them if she really wants to keep her fans!
    Thanks for listening.

  • Dee, your posts insinuate that you had access to multiple pre-sale passwords and that you will be selling the tickets you received on ebay at above face value? Doesn’t this mean that you are one of the scalpers that should be shot?

  • I should add,

    The new dates feature Aly and AJ and not the Jonus Brothers.

  • Wow, just got 2 more for Vegas.

    A third show was added about 15 minutes after the other 2 shows went on sale.

    So, 2 tickets, Vegas, Sunday 1/20/2008.

  • My Mileyworld presale code no longer works…

    Anyway, landed 2 tickets to 1/15/08 St. Louis show via Ticketmaster today.

    Las Vegas goes on sale in about 90 minutes.

    Yes, they will be sold on eBay.

  • My advice to anyone seeking tickets—— STAND IN LINE—- My sister and I camped out yesterday and had fun with other moms. We got AWESOME tickets in Lafayette. Definitely, make the effort and stand in line, I know that being in line from 6:00 p.m. yesterday evening until 10:00 this morning will, WITHOUT A DOUBT be worth it…. Our husbands were home trying to buy tickets on Ticketmaster’s site to no avail. They said that we were nuts, but who’s nuts now!!!! We paid $290 for four tickets which are now going on stubhub for $1000 each. Whoooohooooo….. I can’t wait for Christmas morning.

  • Sad Daddy

    Once again we’ve been duped…supposedly the tickets for New Orleans & Lafayette were only to be sold if your mailing address was in LA, MS, So.AL, or NW FL. Well at 10AM on the dot everything was sold out…however,at 10:01 several ticket sales websites already had the nosebleed seats for the low low price of $305—what a deal! Is there any soccer mom (or dad) out there who successfully logged on at 10AM and actually got tickets? If so, they are probably from the planet Krypton! I suppose this is the time to teach our kids lessons on the ‘almighty dollar’ and how ‘the love of money’ is a dangerous thing!

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