Warning… Rant… Are People Really This Selfish?

I have a real problem with the whole “giving to get” mentality I have seen lately.  You know what I’m talking about.  You see them on TV… some telethon that offers you a “limited edition” something or other if you’ll just pledge or give $xxx to help people in need.

First of all, I have a problem with the hype.  That’s a lot of overhead just to get people to give.  That “limited edition” item wasn’t free.  It cost money to make and cost money to promote.  Waste.

Secondly, I don’t give to organizations or charity because I want to “get” something in return.  I give because I want to help and I could care less if I ever get anything back. Offering cheap trinkets in exchange for a “donation” is nothing more than conning people into giving. Even if it is for a good cause, it’s still a trick.  It’s set up with the expectation to get something in return.  It’s selfish.  If people have to be motivated to help other people by being bribed, that is sickening.

I would rather “get to give”.  Yes, I’m a capitalist, but I want to take all that money I earn and give it to people in need.  Not hoard it for myself .  That’s why I like KIVA.  It’s teaching people to fish, not feeding them for a day.

Why is it so hard for people to just give without expecting anything in return?


  • A

    LOL. You sure do. Notice I changed a few words to protect the “innocent”. >:)

  • I’m thinking I know when and where this post originated… ;)

  • A

    That is crazy Alixx! I agree. Give direct. :)>-

  • I saw a website offering to give 50p to Haiti for every new subscriber – shameless self-promotion off the back of a trajedy. Please give directly to the charity of your choice.

  • Yah! It does work but it is not to take the place of using your faith and working hard. I try not to watch them !!!


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