We Are Site of the Month!

Computer Geek - SmallBragging rights! Woohoo! My site was named “Site of the Month” for July by my web host provider. MidPhase announced in their monthly newsletter that Girls Can’t WHAT? was the site of the month for July 2006.Of course, I knew it was coming well in advance…after all they did give me fair warning so I could be interrogated and prepare my site for increased visitor traffic. I thought I would share the interview with you ladies, so here it is…

Click here to read the original newsletter or read just the part about Girls Can’t WHAT? below…

Client: Gretchen Cawthon

Url: https://www.girlscantwhat.com

Hosting Plan: midPhase MEGA-PHASE Package

Girls Can’t WHAT? is a community of girls from all walks of life who come together to share experiences and provide inspiration to others in non-traditional roles. This site is open to girls of all ages and content is moderated to keep a “kid-friendly” atmosphere. The site is designed so that everyone can participate by providing their own unique perspective to the various pages. Girls Can’t WHAT? is dedicated to helping girls of all ages achieve their dreams.
So the questions…

1. What brought you to midPhase to begin with?

I wanted to setup a dynamic website that would have plenty of room to grow. At the time, my host provider did not have adequate support for the versions of PHP I wanted to use. Emails to them went unanswered and phone calls to them resulted in lame answers and at one point I was told they would not be upgrading ANYTHING in the near future! I started researching new hosts and midPhase kept popping up in my search results with to glowing reviews. I was impressed with the active message board and server status reports on their web site. I called midPhase to ask a few questions and the responses were polite and detailed. I switched immediately to midPhase and everyone is living happily ever after. The end.

2. What 2 adjectives would you use to describe your main website?

Inspiring and Energetic.

3. What would you say your best trait is, physical or otherwise?

My best trait is probably faithfulness. If I say I will do something, I write it down and I follow up. Sometimes I have to renegotiate those commitments, but that is usually met with a positive response because I am at least working on the commitment and not forgetting it existed. Keeping promises, whether it’s to a customer, a friend, family member or even to myself is very important to me.

4. Favorite kind of grape?


5. Sum up your existence in 5 words and two punctuation marks.

Help others. Never give up!

6. You have exactly 10 minutes to pack a bag to take with you to an island for the rest of time. What goes in it?

My laptop, my palm, extra clothes and my dog (a pug, so he will fit in the bag just fine). However, if there is no Internet connection…just the clothes and as many books as I can stuff in there and still have room for my dog. Oh, and maybe my husband and kids…

7. What would be your ideal shameless plug?

Girls Can’t WHAT? is an inspirational site that motivates and encourages girls to follow their dreams. Sign up as a community member to access the forums, archives and more. Girls Can’t WHAT? T-shirts are popping up all over the world. You don’t have any Girls Can’t WHAT? gear yet…no problem. Girls Can’t WHAT? T-shirts and gifts are available in a wide variety of designs that reflect music, sports, hobbies, careers and more. Get yours today!

Girls Can’t WHAT? is quickly becoming the hottest new web site on the Net. Check it out!

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