What Gifts Are You Giving Girls for Christmas This Year?

Girls Can't WHAT? SantaOk – hit me with it…what are your girls wanting for Christmas gifts this year?  Below is a sampling that came from my two munchkins… One list was crammed onto a sheet of notebook paper and the other was neatly formatted in a word doc with a fancy font, colors and web links.  How clever.  Web-savvyness must be hereditary.  ;)

  • Barbie Girl Mp3
  • Digital Camera or Video Cam
  • Webkins
  • Snuggie
  • Boots – Ugg Boots to be precise
  • Pictionary Man Game
  • Rock Band for PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS Games
  • PlayStation Games
  • Girls Can’t WHAT? Stickers (my girls are my best promoters :) )
  • Jewelry Holder
  • Volleyball
  • Baseball Glove
  • A cat (yeah, me too!)
  • Ken Dolls
  • Spa Factory
  • Blendy Pens
  • Bendaroos
  • Nail Polish
  • Aeropostale sweats
  • Scrunchies and Headbands

So let’s have it – what do the girls in your family want for Christmas?


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