What’s new at Girls Can’t WHAT?

It may appear that I have been a bit distracted lately and have somewhat neglected this site.   That’s only partially true.   I am distracted (all the time), but I have actually been working harder than ever to develop Girls Can’t WHAT?  The results just aren’t that visible – yet.   ;)  Part of those results will be revealed in a big (at least it’s big to me) announcement planned for later this week, perhaps even tomorrow if I’m ready.

I would appreciate some feedback from the regulars as well as the visitors on what you like or don’t like about the site.   What would you like to see on here – more videos, more interviews?   What annoys you?  What confuses you?  What parts do you like to read?  Do you like the format?  Do you miss the forums and private messaging?  Give me your thoughts.   I am planning some upgrades some September and I’d love to hear from you.   My focus is to continue to build a community and I would like for everyone to be able to interact with each other and build a support network.   Any thoughts along those lines would be much appreciated.   :)


  • violin140

    I was wondering what kind of stories you see here, and the way they found this site, I was just typing to see what came up, fortunate huh?


  • violin140

    Hi, I just found this site, it sounds really interesting, I have always had thoughts about the rights women have, and their hidden strengths. It really seems to give women that little attitude boost that we all need every once in a while. Can’t wait to hear from someone.

  • A

    @Carradee – the purpose of this site is to be a source of inspiration to women everywhere. I am slowly trying to morph it into a community-type site and less of a blog. :D

    Superchic[k] totally rocks! I would love to see them live sometime. I have all of their albums and my kids love them, too. b-)

  • As a visitor who’s just now popped in, I must confess to confusion regarding this site’s purpose. Is it about the power of women in general or about Christian women?

    I like the look of your blog, though. Much nicer than mine. :D

    (P.S. I found a link to the site by Googling “Superchic[k]” and “wikipedia”. The site title interested me into poking in.)


  • A

    Awesome – you should be logged into to the forums now, too. b-)

  • :d/
    Got me new password abnd it works!!

  • missfashion usa1

    i would like like the private messaging back it was fun! and more stuff posted really thats all this is a cool site;) don’t change too much

  • What I don’t like? The fact that I got my password, and can’t log on still. I liked the forums the best and I really don’t have much to say but good job and keep it up.

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