Who was the first female monster on Sesame Street?

Sesame Street definitely shaped my childhood and if I had time in my adult life, I’d still try to catch an episode or two.  For some reason today, the song “I want a monster to be my friend” popped in to my head.  I used to own that tune on actual bona-fide vinyl, but sadly I have no idea where that record went (not that I even own a record player anymore). So I went you-tubing and lo and behold I found the video for it…


Zoe on Sesame Street

As I was watching, I started thinking about the 70’s version of Sesame Street that I grew up on and I realized I couldn’t name a single female “monster” character.  Yes, there’s Zoe (the orange puppet pictured to the right), who came along in the early 90’s, but was she the first one?

I tried to Google up an answer on this one, but no luck.  Anyone know who the first female monster character was on Sesame Street?

1 comment

  • A

    Oh I almost forgot… there was a remake of this song by En Vogue on the Elmopalooza movie. It’s pretty fantastic. You can watch it here.

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