If you would’ve told me that I’d be skydiving on TV, swimming with sharks, and breaking boards with my bare hands, ten years ago I would’ve flipped out. I always liked to challenge myself with exciting activities as a kid, but was often told to spend my time on more “lady like” endeavors. Many of my family members told me I wasn’t xyz enough to achieve my dreams.
That was okay though because every time they told me I couldn’t do it, it just fueled my fire to prove myself right. There were many times I had to overcome my own personal limitations and would surprise myself just by pursuing my passions and trying my best. At some of the most high pressure moments in my life where I’d doubt myself, I’d think “What if I can do this?” and then I’d just get ready, set, and go.
Life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be happy and have good intentions. It really is about the journey of listening to your heart, learning from your mistakes, and finding yourself. Some of the proudest moments in my life were when I overcame my fears and achieved my goals despite adversity. If I could go back in time and say something to younger myself it would be “Get ready for a wild ride, your dreams can become a reality and don’t let anyone tell you any different. You create your own destiny so follow your bliss and you will find it.”
I love to help motivate people to make a difference in their own lives and in this world by doing something positive with their time. Sometimes it’s as simple as a tweet, on twitter I share cool causes and petitions so it’s fast and easy to get involved. Tweet me @celestethorson about your dreams and goals, I love hearing them, they inspire me as much as my own!
Find me at: http://www.celestethorson.com
1 comment
Celeste – I am the same way. If someone tells me I can’t, I take that as a personal challenge to prove that I can. So cool to see you reaching out to help others do the same. Thanks for sharing and connecting with Girls Can’t WHAT? fans!