Why do people laugh when I tell them I’m going to be a firefighter?

OH YEAH BABYI am a 17 year old high school student and my dream is to become a firefighter.

I’ve been working really hard lately and training with the firefighters and when I tell my friends im going to be a firefighter, they laugh at me and tell me I’m too small and skinny to be a firefighter but I believe I can do it!


  • you can do it because i did! i was rasied around firedepartments and havin been trainin for a long time now! if thats what you want to do go for it… i’m 100% supportin you!

  • Kimberly Ferguson

    way to be its not easy to roll with the big guys… when you get sometime i would love to talk to you feel free to shoot me an email at tatertot_2011@yahoo.com

  • Hey there. Keep your dreams and goals held high. You can do anything you set your mind too. I’m 23 and have been a firefighter since I was 17. A lot of my friends tried telling me i couldn’t do it cause i was a girl. But 6 years later i’m still a volunteer firefighter, and now training to be an EMT. Hopefully a paramedic next year. So don’t let anyone stand in your way. Women can do it just as good as men can. Trust me! And at the firehouse, no man will put you down, it’s a family there!

  • Way to go! Follow your dreams….no matter what! People have always told me that I can’t do this or that ever since high school. I actually listened to the naysayers when I was in high school, and I missed out on so many wonderful experiences that I could have had. For example, I wanted to live in another country for one year while I was in college, but people discouraged me. Now that I am a 35 year old woman, people told me that I would never get this one job that I wanted and not to apply for it because they wanted someone else. I didn’t listen….and I got the job! Always listen to your heart and don’t let anyone squash your dreams!!! Way to go!!

  • A

    Monique – you pose a very good question. Why? Why do people laugh? Why do they doubt? Every day somewhere in the world, someone is doing something unbelievable that they’ve been told they can’t do. It happens all around us. Yet there are always going to be people who laugh and say that YOU can’t do it.

    Just because someone else can’t picture you doing the job, doesn’t make it true. Too many people out there can’t see beyond “tradition” and how they think the world should operate. There are no rules. You have to take charge and make your dreams happen. Don’t let anything stop you – especially what people say.

    And if you search for “firefighter” on this site, you’ll find a lot of other stories and interviews with women firefighters. Several of them mention that they are “small and skinny” but that didn’t stop them from taking on the challenge and now they’re out there saving the lives of others. You will be, too.

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