Will Miley Cyrus hang on to the Best of Both Worlds?

Miley Cyrus PhotoOk – I gotta give some big props to Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) based on what I have seen lately. My girls have been huge Hannah Montana fans ever since the series began airing on Saturday mornings on one of our local stations so I have become well-acquainted with her show and the messages behind each episode over the last several months. I have to say that I have been rather impressed with the quality and wholesomeness of the show and I am particularly excited that the kids show respect to their parents, a trait that seems lost in Hollywood these days.

We’re seeing and hearing a lot of Miley this summer. For starters, we purchased the Hannah Montana 2-Disc special edition soundtrack for my kids to listen to on our vacation. The girls brought a CD player and headphones with them, but eventually the CD made it’s way into our van’s stereo system and before long the entire family knew the words to “Best of Both Worlds” and “Nobody’s Perfect”. In fact, I liked the CD so much that I added it to one of my iTunes playlists. The included DVD was also a huge hit and I think my girls have memorized every word on it. And now that we have subscribed to cable tv for the first time ever in our lives, we are learning a lot more about Miley than we ever thought possible. So far I like what I see. :)

About a week ago, I happened to catch an interview with Miley on one of the late night talk shows (Letterman? Leno? I forget – sorry!). She did a wonderful job at answering questions and sharing stories. She has a very likable personality and her confession of staying close to her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, in order to stay grounded was refreshing. In the wake of Hollywood stars who had real positive potential but then end up strung out and messed up (Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, etc.), Miley is a welcome role model that I am comfortable supporting. I hope for my kids’ sake and for all the young girls who look up to Miley, that she can rise above the Hollywood riff-raff and remain one of the few positive role models in the entertainment industry.

If you are not familiar with Miley or her music, here is a live video performance of one of my favorite Hannah Montana songs called “Who Said.” The lyrics (posted below) are fabulous and fit the theme of my site so well. Major kudos to Miley…rock on, girl! b-)

Lyrics to “Who Said” by Hannah Montana

I’m more than just
Your average girl

I’d like to turn me up
And show the world

Aw yea

Cuz some can talk to the talk
But this girl just wants to rock

I’m individual
I’m not like anyone

I can be glam-or-ous
Just like you see in all the magazines

I can be cool as ice
Or anything I wanna be

Who said, who said
I can’t be Superman
I say, I say
That I know I can

Who said, who said
I won’t be President
I say, I say
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet

Aw yea

You wanna make some noise
Every girl has her choice
To lead their own parade
I do it my way


I can be somethin’ sweet
Or louder than the radio
Louder than the radio

I can be sophis-ti-cated
Or totally go
Totally go
Outta control!

Who said, who said
I can’t be Superman
I say, I say
That I know I can

Who said, who said
I’m not electrifying
I say, I say
There’s no holding back
Hangin’ right on track
Cuz you control the game
So let them know your name
Theres no limitation
on imagination



Who said, who said
I can’t be worldwide
I say, I say
Time is on my side

Who said, who said
I can’t be 10 feet tall
I say, I say
That I can have it all

Who said, who said
I can’t be Superman
I say, I say
That I know I can

Who said, who said
I won’t be president
I say, I say
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet


Who said
Come on

That’s right!


  • nikkiblonskyfan97


  • nice,nice….:x:)

  • April Sekhon

    Hi Miley!
    I know my cast is indian but i’m born in america **== and i’m a big fan of you can you please do one live concert in india for my cousins i’ve got your autograph too
    and your signature is very pretty but i found out that some one has put your autographs on the internet
    i guess u should release one more album in hannah montana and miley cyrus i have all your albums i’ve even learnt their words


  • hey miley what are you doing today can i send you some sing that i will be singing if i can ps right me back A.S.A.P your friends keisha park :d/:x

  • :)>- luv her!

  • MILEY CYRUS IS MY RULE MODEL BUT…after she did one pic i just dropped dead silent! but still she is my rule model cause she is like one of those singers that does not brag or like anything bad but i just dropped with shock with one of her pics but still she is my favorite!!:o like that lol!:):)

  • Andrea and Xahnny Stuart

    Hi Miley,

    This Is Andrea and Xahnny.
    My Name Is Spelt x-a-h-n-n-y But Prenounced Sharnny.

    We Are Your Biggest Fans!

    Were So Big Were Bigger Than The World.

    We are Sisters Angie and I,
    And We Really love “I miss You”
    It’s Really Meaning Ful To Us.
    It’s Allso Reminds Us About Of Our Mother (Tazmin)
    and Our Poppy.

    We Were In a Crash When We Were seven.

    Our Poppy and Mother died From impact.

    We Miss Them !!!!!!!!!!!dearly!!!!!!!!!!!

    They Are In a Beter Place!

    We Are From Australia and We Hope To Come To Your Consert,

    If We Do I will Use My mums Last Name – Langham

    So We Will Come As Andrea Stuart and Xahnny(or Xahn)


    Best Wishes Miley


  • i dnt beleive it was relly her!she is my role model and she would NEVER pose nude!!!!!:)>-

  • mikailla roberts

    :)>-i love her she is my best friend ever:)>-

  • HEYYYY!!:) What’s up?? I’m Maura from Germany. I love you and youre music!! My favorite Song is: Goodbye!!:x:x:x
    I must hear it again ans again!!:-\”:d:-\”
    You are so….great!!
    With Love :d/MMMAURA

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